donderdag 11 maart 2010

"Anti-capitalism" NOT being ANTI-IMPERIALISM is REFORMISM

In KNACK 20 December 2006, Dirk Van Duppen one of the official representatives of the WPB:
” I have studied enough economy to know that Marx was right, that his scientific analyse is fitting...
the analyse of Marx is more actual than ever. Go to the Volkswagen-factory in Vorst (Brussels). What was Marx telling? It is the hunger to profit that is making the factories being closed. Under pressure of the competition the employer has to increase productivity with each time less workers. But he has also to increase profit to satisfy his share-holders. Those are two poles of a movement finally coming in collision: the decreasing purchasing-power of the worker versus the hunger to profit of the share-holders. What do you get then? The crisis of overproduction! That is what Marx wrote in 1871. And today it is even worse than then... Because in the 19th century, factories were closed because they became unprofitable and had losses. While the profits of Volkswagen-Vorst (Brussels) just is increasing. (....) Exploitation is indeed no moral concept but a pure mathematical quantitative thing. A worker in Vorst is more exploited then a child in Pakistan knotting carpets. A worker in Vorst (Brussels) produces more surplus-value. The profit as a result of his work is much bigger.”
....Dirk studied economy but does he know about Marxist analyse?
Capitalism presented as a society full of perhaps bigger and more modern factories than in the time of Marx. So the GENERAL conclusions that Marx made are working in exactly the same way today as in the time of Marx..... This pseudo-Marxist reasoning is already unmasked by Lenin in his analyse of the (for him THEN) ACTUAL CONCRETE capitalist society in the stage of imperialism. In a world where the production is so social, and free competition is so disappearing, the statement “A worker in Vorst is more exploited then a child in Pakistan knotting carpets. A worker in Vorst (Brussels) produces more surplus-value. The profit as a result of his work is much bigger.” a proof of his NON-knowledge of Marxism.... and where is the capitalist class…, as Dirk is just speaking about “employer” and “share-holders”?
The “PVDA-ideologue” behind this revisionist analysing is the co-founder of AMADA(Alle Macht Aan De Arbeiders –“All Power To The Workers”) in 1970, the once “organisation preparing the real communist party” and (almost) always been a NATIONAL leader of the (once) revolutionary PVDA(Partij Van De Arbeid van België,,,  ..... Boudewijn Deckers. Internal ideological and political struggle -mostly on initiative of Ludo Martens - president of the PVDA until 1995 – could apparently never totally counter this revisionism. So was Boudewijn Deckers able to form cadres in revisionism (as Peter Mertens, Tom De Meester, but also Peter Franssen for example...). This lead to a “revisionist coup” in 2004-2005 in the PVDA (WPB).....with Peter Mertens as president of the WPB(PVDA) in 2008.

Boudewijn Deckers is an honourable speaker on the International COMMUNIST Seminar:
“When the financial crisis broke out end of 2008 it brought about a world-wide crisis of the economy. This was inevitable. Indeed, the financial crisis is rooted in a structural crisis of over-production which has been worsening in successive waves since the first years of the seventies. As Marxists, we know that it is tightly linked to the production mode of the capitalist system.[1]
And further...:
“The European Left Party persists in defending a left reformist position, an updated version of social democracy. Obtaining partial improvements within the current system is already sufficiently ambitious. We will never collaborate with these attempts to bind workers to capitalism and imperialism. “
As the leadership of the WPB make no correct Marxist analyse of ACTUAL capitalism (in its imperialist stage) it is logical that they have no correct view on what is real REFORMISM. Reformism is just connected to imperialism..... It is the ideology of the layer of “workers-aristocracy” described by Lenin as it is linked to the development of imperialism....
But we let speak Boudewijn Deckers further....:
“…It's up to us to help both blue-collar and white collar workers, as well as the unemployed, students and self-employed to realize that this is not our crisis, but that of capital. That the fundamental problem is the private ownership of the major means of production, combined with the continuous search for higher profits by the few holders of big capital. Only a truly socialist economy, planned by the workers' state can ensure that production is determined by the needs of the masses and not by profits for a minority.
This understanding does not pass so easily today in our imperialist countries. It is no good whining about this, for we know the reasons: the overthrow of socialism in the USSR and the increasing stranglehold of a few large monopolies in the media. We must start with reality and discover the ways in which workers can now move in an anti-capitalist direction.
We have decided to walk on two legs. On the one hand, we want to get rid of rigidity and dogmatism in our mass work: we must start from what people understand today: correct demands for which they are prepared to act - whatever the level - and support and help develop the struggles they undertake. For example, we are currently engaged in a major campaign for a tax on millionaires, a tax that would hit the 72,000 euromillionnaire families in Belgium. Compared to the population, it is the largest number in the European Union. Taxing the very rich is a claim that has already met with some support in various trade union circles.... But bourgeois political circles claim… it is absurd and "unrealistic”.... We are also advocating a reduction of VAT on energy, from 21% - the current rate – to 6%. We have already collected over 200,000 signatures and we will continue this campaign as long as the measure has not been applied. I could give you a much longer list of demands or actions that we undertake and which are at a level people can engage with.
The danger of turning to the right of course exists. ... This would be a real risk, if we did not also walk on the other foot: the strengthening of Marxist-Leninist education in our party, through party schools and our theoretical journal and through open conferences. (....)
“We must strengthen the revolutionary communist movement. This requires deepening our understanding and our Marxist critique of capitalism, in struggle with reformist and social-democratic ideas. This requires that we strengthen our cooperation at this level. We also share more experiences in organizing the masses, and organization of our own Communist parties, as our experience in tactics. All our work must be based on scientific socialism. But it is clear that the specific response to typical problems of our time will not be found as such in these messages. It can arise only from the scientific assessments we make of our experiences.[2]
 The former president of that same PVDA (WPB) on a SIMILAR COMMUNIST Seminar, Ludo Martens (see on my blog “Monday 29 December 2008 Fighting opportunism to beat revisionism 3 “ ) warned against revisionism AND about dangerous developments IN the PVDA (WPB)[3]

So, in 1996 on an International Communist Seminar, the President of the WPB, Ludo Martens, analysed in a contribution to that seminar, the real danger of revisionism in the international communist movement, the need of continuous intern struggle in the different parties (and so ALSO in the WPB)
In 2009, Ludo Martens was no longer president of the WPB....and Boudewijn Deckers has led a “revisionist coup” in the WPB (in 2003-2004)
On the 11th International Meeting of Communists and Workers' Parties, November 20-22, 2009, New Delhi, Boudewijn Deckers, produced a totally revisionist analyse.... and it passed clearly unnoticed! Without comment it is published for example on the weblog “The Marxist-Leninist” (you can read it here- read also my first comment under the article….)
So the SAME Marxist-Leninist or communist organisations participating in the similar Communist Seminars are NOT noticing REVISIONISM but praising AND the contributions of Ludo Martens of earlier days AND those of Boudewijn Deckers today!

Out of the “contribution” of Boudewijn (with my comment):
“Our tasks as Communist Parties
Everywhere workers are active and protesting. Some worry that class struggle is lagging behind in face of the scale of capitalist crises.[4]
So they should urge that one should organise the vanguard of the working class, raise the  consciousness of that van-guard so that they will raise the consciousness of the whole working class. All that by becoming one-self a part of the working class, so that ones own interests become the same as the objective interests of the working class: overthrow capitalism as soon as possible, as efficient as possible, by initiative of the largest masses of workers as possible..... But for Boudewijn this is “an unnecessary worry”.
“We must remember that it was not in 1929 that the most important struggles of the working class took place, but some years later. It is only when workers feel the full weight imposed on them by governments and employers that they react.”
But Boudewijn, our big Marxist knowing all the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin forget to say that that class-struggle got only a revolutionary character, when a real communist party, a real vanguard organisation was propagating, discussing, analysing convincing, and being involved themselves in the struggles so giving the workers the experiences of the correctness of the communist revolutionary strategy.
“In addition, we must not underestimate the void left by the counter-revolution. In 1930, workers saw that socialism in the USSR was the alternative. Today, workers are increasingly losing confidence in capitalism, but they do not see what to oppose to it.”
Where is Boudewijn Deckers waiting for to do real revolutionary work as Lenin, Stalin and Mao did within their respective communist parties?
“The European Left Party persist in defending a left reformist position, an updated version of social democracy. Obtaining partial improvements within the current system is already sufficiently ambitious. We will never collaborate with these attempts to bind workers to capitalism and imperialism.”
Boudewijn is trying to convince us that he will not be a reformist.
“…It's up to us to help both blue-collar and white collar workers, as well as the unemployed, students and self-employed to realize that this is not our crisis, but that of capital. That the fundamental problem is the private ownership of the major means of production, combined with the continuous search for higher profits by the few holders of big capital. Only a truly socialist economy, planned by the workers' state can ensure that production is determined by the needs of the masses and not by profits for a minority.
This understanding does not pass so easily today in our imperialist countries. It is no good whining about this, for we know the reasons: the overthrow of socialism in the USSR and the increasing stranglehold of a few large monopolies in the media. We must start with reality and discover the ways in which workers can now move in an anti-capitalist direction.”
How Boudewijn will “help” the workers in the imperialist centre were he is living “to realise that it is not our crisis” we will see her below.
Normally where he is focusing on the “fundamental problem” you should expect that the “help” would be: propagating with all means explaining how the workers can solve their “fundamental problem”. And how should they realise “a truly socialist economy, planned by the workers.
The truth is that Boudewijn himself has no longer a Marxist view on what is “a truly socialist economy, planned by the workers.”
You can read (beginning here) how Boudewijn “analyses” the development of “a truly socialist economy, planned by the workers” in China fact a defence of the revisionist policy started by Deng Xiaoping in 1978..
“We have decided to walk on two legs. On the one hand, we want to get rid of rigidity and dogmatism in our mass work: we must start from what people understand today: correct demands for which they are prepared to act - whatever the level - and support and help develop the struggles they undertake.”
The “help” that Boudewijn is offering is, proposing REFORMS which “should be” the subject of the struggle of the workers:
 “For example, we are currently engaged in a major campaign for a tax on millionaires, a tax that would hit the 72,000 euromillionnaire families in Belgium. Compared to the population, it is the largest number in the European Union. Taxing the very rich is a claim that has already met with some support in various trade union circles.... But bourgeois political circles claim… it is absurd and "unrealistic”.... We are also advocating a reduction of VAT on energy, from 21% - the current rate – to 6%. We have already collected over 200,000 signatures and we will continue this campaign as long as the measure has not been applied. I could give you a much longer list of demands or actions that we undertake and which are at a level people can engage with.”
In fact Boudewijn didn't lie where he says about the reformists of European Left:” We will never collaborate with these attempts to bind workers to capitalism and imperialism.”
There is no need of “collaborating” as the WPB has their OWN reformist program “to bind workers to capitalism and imperialism”!

“The danger of turning to the right of course exists. ... This would be a real risk, if we did not also walk on the other foot: the strengthening of Marxist-Leninist education in our party, through party schools and our theoretical journal and through open conferences.”
 ....and Boudewijn will educate the old and new members in Marxist-Leninism?? No, he will convince the members to collaborate with the attempts of the WPB to get enough votes to have “representatives “in the parliament with the argument that a reformist program is a “Marxist-Leninist” program.

And Boudewijn want to put the whole international communist movement on that same revisionist trail....
“We must strengthen the revolutionary communist movement. This requires deepening our understanding and our Marxist critique of capitalism, in struggle with reformist and social-democratic ideas. This requires that we strengthen our cooperation at this level. We also share more experiences in organizing the masses, and organization of our own Communist parties, as our experience in tactics. All our work must be based on scientific socialism. But it is clear that the specific response to typical problems of our time will not be found as such in these messages. It can arise only from the scientific assessments we make of our experiences”
The last remark means in fact: “When an electoral strategy realises more votes than before it is the proof of the Marxist correctness of that strategy and the revolutionary character of the party having that strategy”..... This leads to vulgar populism......

[1]    ,  thursday, 14 January 2010, 7h0,”The international capitalist crisis, the workers’ and peoples’ struggle, the alternatives and the role of the communist and working class movement.”, on the 11th International Meeting of Communists and Workers' Parties, November 20-22, 2009, New Delhi, Contribution of the Workers’ Party of Belgium (WPB). Report presented by Baudouin Deckers, member of the National Bureau, head of the International Relations Department.
[2]    ,  thursday, 14 January 2010, 7h0,”The international capitalist crisis, the workers’ and peoples’ struggle, the alternatives and the role of the communist and working class movement.”, on the 11th International Meeting of Communists and Workers' Parties, November 20-22, 2009, New Delhi, Contribution of the Workers’ Party of Belgium (WPB). Report presented by Baudouin Deckers, member of the National Bureau, head of the International Relations Department.

[3]             In  “About certain aspects of the struggle against revisionism", Ludo Martens in Marxistische Studies no 29, march 1996, (see, a discussion report on the International Seminar in Janashakti, India organised by the PCI(ML) – in French: Etudes Marxistes 29/1996 :   Sur quelques aspects de la lutte contre le révisionnisme, Ludo Martens (

[4]    ,  thursday, 14 January 2010, 7h0,”The international capitalist crisis, the workers’ and peoples’ struggle, the alternatives and the role of the communist and working class movement.”, on the 11th International Meeting of Communists and Workers' Parties, November 20-22, 2009, New Delhi, Contribution of the Workers’ Party of Belgium (WPB). Report presented by Baudouin Deckers, member of the National Bureau, head of the International Relations Department.

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