dinsdag 16 juni 2009

Communist or opportunist conceptions about Socialism 1

The WPB (Workers Party of Belgium) is international recognized as a real communist and revolutionary party.
In contributions to the International Communist Seminar, cadres or the WPB, and even its president Peter Mertens is reassuring everybody that the WPB remains a communist party, basing her line and ideology on Marxist analyse of the world and its contradictions. (read more about the contradictions between contributions on the ICS, beginning here)
But conform the conclusions of its second, third, fourth and fifth congress, one can say that the WPB has with Peter Mertens a president who is anticommunist, idealist and metaphysical instead of dialectical and materialist and has a bourgeois class position. All those congress documents are in fact also warning that Peter Mertens is flirting with the national-socialist ideology.
In fact, instead of being president of a communist party, he should be expelled because of his bourgeois class position.
It says a lot of those « older » militants and cadres, still working in the WPB, that they didn’t notice al those developments, and even cooperate with the « renewal » of the WPB.
I will prove this statements
in the following articles, beginning with Peter Mertens first lie….

The first lie of Peter Mertens: « we are no longer Stalinist »
On their website the WPB reproduced, without any comment, so with a total agreement, an article of a newspaper (« De Morgen », see http://antwerpen.pvda.be/nieuws/article/de-morgen-pvda-beschouwt-zich-niet-langer-als-extreem-linkse-partij-1.html,
25 februari 2008,), under the title « the WPB is considering herself no more as an extremist party ».
In that article Peter Mertens is saying: « We are no longer Stalinist ….»

So Peter Mertens is pretending that the WPB (and himself) was in « earlier » days, Stalinist!
But what are documents of the WPB saying about refuting Stalin or « Stalinism »?
First of all, in none of all the documents of AMADA or later the WPB, is said that the organisation considered herself as « Stalinist ». So that is the first aspect of the lie of Peter Mertens when he is saying « we are no longer Stalinists ».
Secondly, in the documents of her fifth congress of the WPB in 1995 (in the book « Party of the revolution » - you can read a regularly updated translation of that book here) - Peter Mertens was then member of the Central Committee of the WPB - is said:

« Inside the WPB there is a big unity about political questions that has been reasons of splitting by a lot of organisations. This unity is a result of large debates and has resulted in definitive documents »

There is a list of all those definitive documents, included:

« From Tien An Men until Timisoara »
« USSR, the velvet counterrevolution »
« Another view of Stalin »

Further is said in the same documents of the fifth congress:

« the WPB has become stronger out of the anticommunist rollercoaster of 1989-1991. How was it possible to resist? How was it possible for the WPB to strengthen her revolutionary unity? In the book « From Tien An Men until Timisoara » one can find all the answers on this questions. »

Well in the book « From Tien An Men until Timisoara », which is considered as a PARTY-document:

« We have noticed that in numerous departments of our party Stalin has been already ten years « liquidated in silence ». The points of views officially accepted after the struggle against the liquidation-movement in 1983 (the Second congress of the WPB - Nico) have had no practical effect. How much members and cadres have in those ten years studied books about the historical experiences of the bolvhevic party and texts of Stalin?
At the same moment the whole party was put under dally pressure of the anticommunist and ant Stalinist propaganda. The ideological forming of the party-members is done for a important part and by a sneaky way by the bourgeois media. Just a few members and cadres dare to attack frontally in this matter, just because they knew the position about this of the party. Without open struggle, without political confrontation a lot of prejudges and bourgeois lies can silently be installed.
We have to care that all new members and cadres get a firm class position about the ant Stalinist and anticommunist questions. One can not become a real communist without struggle to change thoroughly his conceptions about Stalinism, because those conceptions are inevitably moulded by bourgeois propaganda.
Hereabout the party has to install a fixed working method. Essential texts of Stalin has to be integrated in the formation, specially those texts which allow to rectify the false image that one has about the theoretical word of Stalin. That image is been spread around by all anticommunist opportunists. [1]»

So one can say at least that the members or delegates on a Congress of the WPB had to judge that Peter Mertens is an « anticommunist opportunist ».

In a next chapter I will analyse the statement of Peter Mertens: « We are no longer Maoists[2]».
Well, Mao Zedong is quoted about Stalin in the book, « Another view of Stalin »(EPO, 1994), a book that has to be considered as an integrated part of congress documents of the WPB, as I proved before:

« Congratulating Stalin is not a formality. Congratulating Stalin means supporting him and his cause, supporting the victory of socialism, and the way forward for mankind which he points out, it means supporting a dear friend. For the great majority of mankind today are suffering, and mankind can free itself from suffering only by the road pointed out by Stalin and with his help. [3]»

I will prove that Peter Mertens is IN FACT a « maoist » (as Deng Xiaoping was BEFORE the dead of Mao Zedong). But it is clear why that Peter Mertens is refuting Mao Zedong himself, because Mao Zedong confronts him here with the fact that he is an anti revolutionary….!

But in a next article further about this statement of Peter Mertens : « We are no longer Maoists»

[1] « From Tien An Men to Timisoara », p. 182-183 (the quote translated by me, Nico), edions of the WPB, EPO, 1994.

[2] In a article of « De Morgen », put on the website of the WPB,without any comment, so with a total agreement, see http://antwerpen.pvda.be/nieuws/article/de-morgen-pvda-beschouwt-zich-niet-langer-als-extreem-linkse-partij-1.html, 25 februari 2008,), under the title « the WPB is considering herself no more as an extremist party ».

[3] SELECTED WORKS OF MAO TSE-TUNG, Volume II, p335. « STALIN, FRIEND OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE, December 20, 1939« , From Marx to Mao ML © Digital Reprints 2006 / 2007

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