vrijdag 29 mei 2009

Fighting opportunism to beat revisionism 9

I want to start (see other article) with an analyse of the KKE (the Communist Party of Greece, see website: here)
The KKE is seen by the other participant communist parties of the ICS (International Communist Seminary, website: here
) as a example of a real communist party. You can find this program (from 1996) on her website here.
She has made elaborated analyses that has resulted in a concrete and elaborated fundamental PROGRAM (« the theory without there can be no revolutionary movement »)
In this program the KKE is analysing
which task she sees for herself in organising which part of the WORLD-working class to make which part of the world revolution. She give concrete views on how that revolution will be and how the beginning of the building of socialism will be.
On this concrete fundamental program is based, for the KKE(her members and cadres):
- The steps in her day to day work of her members in the working class
- The decision in ORGANISATIONAL matters: in case of the mass of the workers, the vanguard of the working class and how step for step the program of the vanguard of the working class has to become the program of the organised combative working class. Because the revolution will be done by the organised mass of workers that had become conscious of his historical task the result of the continuous
agitation, propaganda, formation and discussion by the recognized vanguard of the working class: the communist party.

Because its program is very concrete, it is possible to judge the KKE on it. It is also possible to judge if their strategy, their tactics, their solutions in organisational matters is correctly linked to their program.
I think, that the KKE has the best WEAPONS against possible emerging of revisionism INSIDE her party: because of the coherency of her program, the consequent logic between program, implantation IN the working class to become political and organisational the vanguard of that working class, with the goal, how to organise the working class (determined in her class analysis as part of her fundamental program) for the revolution (as is determined concretely in her program).

The WPB (Workers Party of Belgium, pvda.be, wpb.be and ptb.be) had also a elaborated concrete program in 1979, that could conclude in the strategy towards revolution and installing socialism, of the tactics and the solution for organisational questions. But almost from the beginning, some opportunism (what is concerned the applying of Marxism) occurred. That existing opportunism lead in 1995 to the emerging of a revisionist line in the WPB at the side (and not in struggle with) of a real revolutionary line. This revisionist line could become in 2004 the leading line with at the head of the party a group of « renegade » revisionist cadres, because all vigilance of members and cadres had been stopped. (the « history » of all I have already written down, but is for a part published on my web log - here and here, but in dutch- and a review of all analyse in English you can read here) …….

But in both exist (and existed), as I see it, forms of opportunism. And my opinion is that that opportunism has to be fought, when they will avoid the possible emerge of revisionism in their organisations.

My opinion about some forms of opportunism in the analyses of the KKE…..
So I will NOT give a individual judgement about the whole program, strategy and tactics of the KKE. That is the job of the members of KKE. I will just give my opinion about some forms of opportunism in the analyses and program of the KKE, because I will use them as arguments for my conclusions that the actual revisionism that has emerged in the international communist movement is a result of (and can not be beaten when not is fought) persistence of non-detected forms of opportunism.
I refer to the program of the KKE
and their contribution to the 17th ICS (in a next article)…

It starts with an analyse which is, that is my opinion, to GENERAL, not concrete enough. I should say the form of opportunism is here: dogmatism. Here is used rather general conclusions that Marx and Lenin made. Marx and Lenin used those general analyses to make concrete analyses for the (for them) actual world to come to concrete conclusions.
Here the KKE used those general conclusions coming out that general analyse to « jump » to the nation-state
Greece and there make those conclusions somehow concrete.
I think that here is made another opportunist « mistake »:
Instead to make a very concrete analyse of the actual world with all its concrete contradictions and then to come to concrete conclusions « what is to be done » for communists, the KKE start somehow with the IDEA: « We must have a program for making the revolution inside the borders of what today is called Greece »
Once they made that « jump » to the actual borders of the actual nation-state
Greece, they have to find argumentation (in the form of quotes out of books from « Marxists beyond no doubt ») for « first the revolution in one country » (what is a country?) This argumentation is in the contribution of the 16th ICS.(I will come back on it in the next article)

And here they make another opportunist « mistake », I think: a form of
Pretending that there are historical analogies (so is the history making circles?), so you can use quotes (of « Marxists beyond no doubt ») out of their historical context (because that context is identical?) and so let Marx and Lenin make the conclusions that you (the KKE) WANT to make. This is « the advantage » of living in a world with an access to all works of Marx and Lenin (and other « Marxists beyond all doubt ») so you can use them as a sort of encyclopaedia and pick the quotes that are suitable.

I know, these are bald statements for an individual about a strong respected communist party as is the KKE. Well, in the next article I start my analysis of forms of opportunism as I see it in the KKE.
After that I will try to answer the following questions:
- How can that opportunism be a possible source of revisionist development IN the KKE (using the KKE just as an example, not claiming that there exist already revisionism in the KKE!)?
- How can that opportunism make them blind for development of revisionism in the International communist movement, in the case for example the « sister-communist » party, the WPB ?

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