woensdag 24 december 2008

Chronology articles analysing revisionism

You can follow the chronology of my articles analysing revisionism, which I wrote until now, here in this article.

Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (1)

"After socialism is been destroyed in the Soviet Union and the explosion of the country of Lenin, all communists has to understand that revisionism is the most dangerous ideological enemy of Marxism-Leninism. It’s beyond any doubt that revisionism represents the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement[1]”

One has to be careful by concluding that the line of one or another communist party in the world is revisionist or even concluding that the line of one or another communist party is contaminated with a lot of opportunist conceptions. However, it is my opinion that I can prove that there is a development of revisionism in the international communist movement. That development of revisionism is based on and is using certain existing opportunist conceptions (in different communist parties). In some parties the revisionist line has become the main line in that party. At this moment this is the case of the once revolutionary Workers Party of Belgium.
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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (2)
In the first article (you can read it here) I tried to prove how actual revisionism uses existing forms of opportunism as: eclecticism, dogmatism, idealism (ideas are seen as facts) and metaphysics (history repeats itself in the form of analogies). I will go on with an example of revisionism “Contribution to the International Symposium held in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, 13 - 15 October - Friedrich Engels and scientific socialism in contemporary China", by Peter Franssen, a leading cadre of the Workers Party of Belgium. (You can read this text here)
In an eclecticistic way and with the conception as if there are analogies in history, as if history repeats itself or as if it is a cycle-movement instead of an spirally movement, Peter Franssen "creates” his own reality:
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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (3)

When "Peter Franssen, journalist with the Belgian weekly Solidaire and researcher at the Institute for Marxist Studies, wrote a contribution, 'Friedrich Engels and scientific socialism in contemporary China (Peter Franssen is also member of the leading organs of the Workers Party of Belgium) at "an international symposium was held in the Chinese city of Wuhan, organised by the University of Wuhan, the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CC of the Communist Party of China and the Academy of Social Sciences of China", he has to make the following -although formal - statement:

"The mode of production and the structure of the economy have in the last 25 years taken big steps towards the level where social ownership of all important means of production will once again become necessary."
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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (4)
Peter Franssen "creates" a main contradiction between a - nowhere proved by him, but beyond no doubt - "correct line of the CCP based on correct applying scientific socialism" and "a line of utopian socialism". Martin Hart-Landsberg, Paul Burkett and Barbara Foley are « utopians »(utopian-socialists as Fourier and Owen) when they want to build socialism in the circumstances of China " when capitalist production was as yet so little developed" So " the appropriation by society of all the means of production could become possible, could become a historical necessity, only when the actual conditions for its realisation were there". So "not by the mere willingness to abolish these classes, but by virtue of certain new economic conditions". So for Peter Franssen (and also for Deng Xiaoping as I will prove later) class struggle and mobilisation of the workers and raising their consciousness to “the appropriation by society of all the means of production" is "changing property relations at will."

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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (5)
Let’s start with the first quoted text Lenin, Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.58 (you can read this whole text here) out of which Peter Franssen (I began with a first article - you can read here - an analysis of his text -you can read here) quotes as follows:

« In 1921 Lenin made a self-criticism concerning the period of the three previous years. He wrote: “We expected… to be able to organise the state production and the state distribution of products on communist lines in a small-peasant country directly as ordered by the proletarian state. Experience has proved that we were wrong. ”[2]
I will prove that only by the choice of (the) quote(s) you can make Lenin say contra dictionary things.
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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (6)
Peter Franssen is further quoting Lenin:

"Hence the New Economic Policy with among others this directive of Lenin: “We shall lease the enterprises that are not absolutely essential for us to lessees, including private capitalists and foreign concessionaires.”[3]Lenin added that this period could last a long time: “But it will take a whole historical epoch to get the entire population into the work of the co-operatives through NEP. At best we can achieve this in one or two decades. ”[4]
And naturally, just as nowadays, the critics howled: “The Bolsheviks have reverted to capitalism!” [5]Lenin scolded them: “They are not assisting but hindering economic development; … they are not assisting but hindering the proletarian revolution; … they are pursuing not proletarian, but petty-bourgeois aims.”

Peter Franssen doesn’t say it clearly, he only insinuates the following:
In GENERAL, or ALWAYS, will in a given country, where there is a general consensus on the fact that « capitalism » is not very developed, neither the production-forces (he doesn’t speak of the working class as such, they are only a part of the « production forces ») and where the communist party, present in that country judges, even AFTER the (socialist?, national democratic?) revolution, that the production forces are not «ripe » enough to « replace » capitalist production-relations by « socialist » production relations, there has to be FIRST a development of capitalism (so capitalist-production relations with PRIVATE ownership of means of production and the workforce of the worker as a commodity.

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Revisionism: the bourgeoisie inside the communist movement. (7)
Peter Franssen quoting Lenin:

"Hence the New Economic Policy with among others this directive of Lenin: “We shall lease the enterprises that are not absolutely essential for us to lessees, including private capitalists and foreign concessionaires.”[6]Lenin added that this period could last a long time: “But it will take a whole historical epoch to get the entire population into the work of the co-operatives through NEP. At best we can achieve this in one or two decades. ”[7]

Peter Franssen « uses » here the quote of Lenin as a conclusion of his idealist historical conceptions. He claims that in general and in all historical situation, whatever the level of development of capitalism in the world[8], in a « country where because of the underdevelopment of capitalism in that country, the production forces are not enough developed » to lead a socialist state with a socialist plan economy, there has to be (as Engels and Marx seams to confirm) there has FIRST to be a relatively free development of capitalism with of course « capitalist production relations ».

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About revisionism (1)

When you look close to the conceptions, the way of analyzing, the conclusions that are been made, it becomes very clear that the revisionism that developed in the CCP (or that could “freely” develop after the dead of Mao Zedong in 1976), is identical to the revisionism that developed in the CPUSSR under Chrouststjof, Bresnjev and Gorbatsjov.

You can for example apply the critic (of course in an adapted way, not in an ANALOGUE way) that the CCP wrote in 1964 on the rising revisionism in the CP-USSR “The pseudo-communism of Chroustsjov an the historic lessons for the world”, on the revisionism that has seen the light after the dead of Mao in the CCP and that is made concrete in her economic policy after 1978. And “Perestroika” and “Glasnost” of Gorbatsjov is similar (even in the meaning of the words!) to the “Reform” and “Opening” of Deng Xiaoping.
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About revisionism (2)
In February 2004 Boudewijn Deckers (leading cadre of the WPB) wrote an article in Solidair, the weekly newspaper of the WPB about the development of socialism in China. (You can read it here in French) It was a résumé of his article in Marxist Studies. (You can read the first article here about this topic)

I react, not with an INTERN note as a member, but with an e-mail as an attentive reader of Solidair. I sent this mail to the chief-editor of Solidair (David Pestieau) and to the editorial staff. My intention was to have a discussion IN the columns of Solidair. This would be good and very possible, I thought. My intention was NOT to have a personal polemic OUTSIDE every control of the other readers and the editorial staff….. Boudewijn Deckers, as you will see, thought otherwise….

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About revisionism (3)
I argued that after 1978, or better after the dead of Mao Zedong in 1976, the development of revisionism had a breakthrough in the CCP. (Read more about my arguing starting here)

As revisionism is the bourgeois line INSIDE the communist party, the objective goal of the revisionists is to PROTECT further existence of capitalism and the capitalist class, reject the possibility of socialist revolution and AFTER an eventually revolution to ABOLISH the dictatorship of the proletariat and
STOP all class struggle that is focused on the further development of socialism to communism.
Of course, I have to prove my statements. I will to this later.
But for the good understanding of my analysis, I will give now an example of how revisionism works and how revisionists ABUSE Marxism or the scientific socialism and spread IDEALISM and METAPHISICS under Marxist phraseology.

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About revisionism (4)
In the previous article (you can read here) I let explain by an ideologist of the CCP how the salary-policy-part of the « reform and opening »-policy is ”approved” by Marx in « Critique of the Gotha-program » and by Lenin in « State and Revolution ».

In fact it was a proof of a revisionist type of« Marxism »: cutting a suiting quote or to make a personal interpretation of what they pretend that Marx or Lenin said.
But when we take bigger quotes of Marx and Lenin, we see that Marx and Lenin said totally other things.
I showed this in the previous article with a bigger quote of Marx and with a first quote of Lenin out of his « State and Revolution ».

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About revisionism (5)
I suggested that for to prove the existence of the revisionism in the international communist movement, I would use the concrete example of revisionist development in a communist party I know very well: the Workers Party of Belgium. (Read the beginning of this series of articles here)

And IN the WPB, I would give a concrete example of a revisionist: cadre with perhaps revolutionary conceptions in the past, but who can now be seen as a to bourgeois degenerated element: Boudewijn Deckers (you can read here more about Boudewijn and his conceptions)
The struggle against revisionism INSIDE the communist movement is in fact a form of class struggle. It is the essence of what is called « the struggle between two lines »: the proletarian revolutionary line against the bourgeois reactionary line (of protecting as much as possible the further existence of capitalism)
Before I go further with my analysis of the development of revisionism in the perhaps rather unknown (and most of all of his INTERN contradictions) little communist party of a little country; I will analyze the development of revisionism in the CCP with the concrete example of Deng Xiaoping.
So every-one can better judge if my analysis is correct or not, because everyone can find al information and historical facts about the CCP and Deng Xiaoping …
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About revisionism 6

In this article I will come back (read here the previous article) on conceptions that Khrushchev defended, and where judged as revisionism in the analyses of the CCP (in the sixties), texts that were edited by Deng Xiaoping who had the responsibility from the CCP to lead de discussions with the CP-USSR. Because the conceptions of Deng in 1978 were similar with those of Khrushchev, he has to erase a whole historical period in de development of the political line in the CCP. For me this is an example of historical idealism of a conscious revisionist.

You can read here the « The letter of the Central Committee of the CP-USSR to the Central Committee of the CPC » of 30 march 1963.
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About revisionism (7)

The political line of the CPC, after the dead of Mao Zedong in 1976, was more and more based on revisionism. This revisionist politic line, perhaps in the beginning combated by people like for example Hua Guofeng (and who became more isolated in the party) is in fact since 1978, the leading political line of the CPC. He is developed by Deng Xiaoping since 1978.

I will prove this in the coming articles using texts of Deng Xiaoping himself.
People or organisations, who now defend socialism in China (against the political and ideological attacks out of the imperialist world) but who are not making an analysis from and who are not fighting (political and ideological) against the revisionism in the CPC, are, as I see it, no Marxists, communists or revolutionaries (nor as individual nor as organisation).
Individuals or organisation like that, are by THEMSELVES contaminated by revisionism.
This MUST have repercussions on their OWN political, ideological and organisational work in their OWN region, where someday they will have to mobilise and lead the working masses to revolution.

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[1] "About certain aspects of the struggle against revisionism", Ludo Martens in Marxistische Studies no 29, march 1996, (see www.marx.be), a discussion report on the International Seminar in Janashakti, India organised by the PCI(ML)
[2] Lenin, Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.58

[3] Lenin, New Times and Old Mistakes in a New Guise, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.28

[4] Lenin, On Co-operation, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.470.

[5] Lenin, New Times and Old Mistakes, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, pp.21 and 24

[6] Lenin, New Times and Old Mistakes in a New Guise, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.28

[7] Lenin, On Co-operation, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.470.

[8] The « variation » is, that « the specific situation of the Chinese revolution » needs this, as leaders of the CCP after 1978 are saying and writing.

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