I think that for the development of an real anti-imperialist ideology in the working class living in imperialist centres and for the theorizing of the spontaneous anti-imperialist ideology of all forms of objective resistance against imperialism (however not always subjectively or consciously reasoned or theorized), it is urgent that there will be an CONCRETE analyse of ACTUAL imperialism. And that actual and concrete analyse -that is my opinion – has to become the base of the development of the strategy, say the program, that the real vanguard of the working class will make.
That strategy, that revolutionary program will become by agitation, propaganda, formation, education, discussion etc..., the strategy, the program of the WHOLE working class for their revolutionary struggle against imperialism (the last possible stage of capitalism).
One can say that some organisations (who declared to be « the vanguard ») make NOT a concrete analyse (based on dialectical and historical materialism) of the actual imperialist stage of capitalism today. So they can never come to a real formulation of the tasks of the revolutionary forces in the world (of which they pretend to be a part of or even should LEAD....). It is the persisting of opportunist conceptions about applying dialectical and historical materialism that make them blind for the development of REVISIONISM in their own organisations.
Not noticing this opportunism and so not beat it led for the Workers Party of Belgium (WPB -Partij Van De Arbeid van België/PVDA) to the installing of a REVISIONIST leadership that led the former communist party to a REFORMIST party. The same dynamics happen to the KEN (ml) (Kommunistische Eenheidsbeweging Nederland - Marxist-Leninistisch - communist united movement of the Netherlands - Marxist-Leninist) they became the reformist party: Socialist Party-SP (of the Netherlands)
The self declared communist, revolutionary or Marxist organisations are often basing their strategically, political and organisational points on a Marxist-SOUNDING analyse that is made in a very GENERALISING way, using CHOSEN QUOTES of Marx or Lenin. But in their anti-imperialist and revolutionary strategy they are often ACCEPTING as a FACT, the ARTIFICIAL borders (drawn by imperialism or colonialism) and countries as “nations” IN those borders. Those borders are a result of imperialist competition dividing the world in zones of influences.
In fact those « communist » organisations are developing sometimes a nationalism (in the form of the objective of socialist revolution WITHIN those artificial “national” borders) that is MORE NARROW than the nationalism I mentioned above, because they ACCEPT a former colony, bordered by artificial colonial drawn frontiers, being a «nation» IN which the revolution has to be organised.
So are they WEAKENING real anti-imperialist resistance already from the beginning of its organising!
When the members of a communist party don't participate actively in applying dialectical and historical materialism in the basic analyses that has to be made for the development of the political and ideological line of the party, while leaving this work to leading cadres, opportunism can develop inside the party without being countered.
Democratic centralism offers in a communist party the possibility of a conscious control of the members over their leading cadres.
When serious study and discussion of the political texts of the leading cadres and a study and discussion about the effective CLASS-point out of which this text is written is neglected, when personal attempts of fundamental analysis are not been made and political guidelines are just been followed without own study and without trying to do oneself the analyse again that lies at the base of those guidelines, the development of opportunism will not been noticed.
Bourgeois elements that once entered the party, or members or cadres who change of class-position (of proletarian to bourgeois class-position) can use this existing opportunism to cover their bourgeois class-position while being member or cadre of that communist party.
When consciously a bourgeois political and ideological line is developed formulated in “Marxist-sounding” terms it is no longer opportunism but REVIONISM. With that revisionist political and ideological line (when it will be accepted by “blind” and “deaf” members) it is possible to convert that revolutionary communist party into a capitalism-protecting REFORMIST party, while many “deaf” and “blind” members are still convinced to be member of a revolutionary party.
This is what happened with the WPB. (Workers Party of Belgium – Partij Van De Arbeid van
België/PVDA, pvda.be, wpb.be, ptb.be)
I tried to analyse this teaching example of deterioration to reformism by the way of development of non-countered revisionism INSIDE a communist revolutionary organisation as the WPB WAS:
Concrete anti-imperialist resistance is growing in the world, but need further analyse based on applying correctly dialectical and historical materialism.
At the same time there exist forces in the world, that organise struggle against imperialism and who based their effective resistance against imperialism on (as I see it) programs or strategy, that is not the result of real Marxist analyse, but based on historical experiences of colonial production relations of imperialism installed by force over them.
When you are looking at the regions in the world, were imperialism is using armed intervention, war and violent repression, the organisations that are the « vanguard » in the CONCRETE PRACTICE of organising the most violent attacks AGAINST these aspects of imperialism, in the PRACTICE of organising masses in resistance against these aspects of imperialism, those organisations are often NOT “self declared communist organisations”.
Their anti-imperialist ideology is not developed by dialectical and historical materialist analyse but is a kind of nationalist ideology but by the experiences of the struggle getting an anti-imperialist character. The progressive aspect of that nationalism is that that «nation» is NOT a country bordered by artificial frontiers once drawn by colonial powers DIVIDING larger popular masses that lived under equal colonial production relations sometimes putting all kind of contradictions against each other as «competitors». That by anti-colonialist struggle developed nationalism is UNIFYING large popular masses in the same fight against the colonial aspects of imperialism.
But I think by them there is sometimes a lack of scientific analyse of the actual world, of the actual situation of imperialism, which should lead to strategically, political and organisational conclusions to fight most effectively against imperialism.
Their nationalism is sometimes based on some historical and cultural conceptions formulated sometimes in religious, cultural or other metaphysical terms.
But now I think it is the moment of discussion with the REAL vanguard organisations «in the field» to develop a real anti-imperialist line. Perhaps out of such a discussion, some new real communist organisations (being the organised vanguard of the working class) can (re-)appear....
I want to make my contribution in this development of an anti-imperialist line and worked out a first analysis that can be submitted to discussion.
The different points treated (As I think to be important) are:
- The capitalist production system functioning concrete in the finals stage of imperialism, the aspect of a socialising of the production
- Competition is not vanishing by further monopoly-forming, but each time reappearing and sometimes aggravating into war situations. It is the FREE competition that is replaced by monopoly.
- How is the forming and the realising of surplus value, the materialising of the level of exploitation in the imperialist stage of the capitalist production-system
- What is the meaning of “the ownership of the means of production” (and the production itself, the production technology, the means of distribution of the production) under the final stage of imperialism (itself the ultimate stage of capitalism)
- The question of the CONCRETE capitalist state CONFORMED to the level of development of capitalism (in it ACTUAL CONCRETE stage of imperialism
- Imperialism sits in a fundamental crisis of overcapacity. Imperialism can only undergo the crisis, putting the weight of the crisis by the working class and the people that live under the colonialist production relations installed by imperialism and searching all kinds of temporarily «solutions» but which are all protecting the further existence of imperialism.
- What is the concrete composition of the working class and what are her actual tasks.
- What are now the concrete actual tasks of the vanguard of the working-class
I tried to make my contribution by making the following analyse in the next document (in which there are links to further documents):
"Anti-imperialist united front"
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