Peter Franssen[1] quoting Lenin:
Hence the New Economic Policy with among others this directive of Lenin: “ We shall lease the enterprises that are not absolutely essential for us to lessees, including private capitalists and foreign concessionaires. ”[2] Lenin added that this period could last a long time: “But it will take a whole historical epoch to get the entire population into the work of the co-operatives through
Peter Franssen « uses » here the quote of Lenin as a conclusion of his idealist historical conceptions.
So the development of the production forces « needs » private property of means of production and capitalist exploitation of the workforces and the owning of the result of that exploitation: the surplus value.
The « socialisation » of « the production relations or the (by class struggle, by economic policy of the socialist state or by discussion, formation and changed mentality) dismantling of what is left of capitalism, the transformation of commodity production and commodity economy in socialist production in function of needs and socialist plan economy, can only be done after an fully capitalist development. This is the « theory » of Peter Franssen, Deng Xiaoping and the actual leaders of the CCP.
A policy of stimulation a cooperative movement and the construction of higher forms of cooperatives and communes is for Peter Franssen (and for Deng Xiaoping and co): « utopian socialism ».
It is in this light that Peter Franssen « proves » that Lenin said this also. He insinuates that Lenin claims that « the work of cooperatives » is based on a free development of capitalism. Where he also insinuated that this free development of capitalism and capitalist production relation is in fact identical to the NEP of Lenin.
Peter Franssen in fact not so clearly in this text but more clearly in a later text[5] « proves that in fact the texts of Lenin are condemning « utopic socialist » or « ultra-left » mistakes of Mao Zedong. Also Deng Xiaoping claims, on some places more directly than on other places that his economic policy is a « Leninist » correction of the « minor left mistakes » of Mao Zedong.
A study of the integral texts of Lenin and a correct historical materialist analyse of the revolution in
And with the same arguments that « proved » that Mao Zedong was « left » « utopian » « voluntarist » or « egalitarian » you can in fact « prove » that Lenin, Stalin, and even Marx were « utopians ».
Read here the text of Lenin, « On Co-operation« , Collected Works, Progress Publishers,
Lenin says here that the cooperative movement is not a result of the NEP, but is a necessity, a condition for the implementation of the
One can detect general working-methods of revisionism.
There is a IDEA, a CONCEPTION, a POLICY that has to be to « proven » with a « Marxist » analysis that it is a historical fact, a consequent Marxist conception or a socialism stimulating policy. Those IDEAS, CONCEPTION, or POLICY are IN FACT anti-revolutionary, protecting the existence of capitalism and a policy of dismantling al the results of socialism. To give those ideas, conceptions or policies a « Marxist » apology, quotes of Marx, Engels, Lenin and also of Stalin and Mao Zedong are founded where they SEEMS to says exactly what the revisionists propose. General conclusions of Marx and others are for them concrete and specific proves of the correctnes of the policy in an specific situation, totally different of the situation where the GENERAL conlusion is been made. Or a specific policy, to solve specific problems in a specific situation is « proven » to be exactly the same as the in fact antirevolutionary and capitalism protecting policy of the revisionist leaders. Therefore they uses also the anti-Marxist conception of exact analogue situations in historical progress. The goal is mislead party members and condemn, with chosen quotes of Marx and others each policy, each initiative of other partij-cadres with still revolutionary ambitions to take steps towards revolution, ot to strenghten to power of the working class, or to to take steps to further building socialist plan economy and to diminish the still existing influence of capitalist commodity-production as « left », « sectarian » or « utipian socialism ».
To convince other partymemembers, the revisionists made use of existing weakness of knowledge of Marxism, and existing forms of opportunism as dogmatism, emirism. They promote among the militants a spirit of militant ACTIVISM, that results in political suivism.
I will prove this with concrete analysis of the developments in the Workers Party of Belgium. In fact, I did it allready (you can read here more about it -as an example, but in dutch) on this web log… dutch. I will translate in English with adaptions for readers unfamiliar with the specific INTERN situation of the WPB, « who is who » in the WPB, or the specific situation in
[1] Peter Franssen, cadre of the WPB, defends the revisionist line of the CCP since 1978 (read the whole text here), in previous articles (beginning here) I (once member of the WPB, expelled in 2005) analyse his text as an negative example of the actual revisionism in the International Communist Movement.
[2] Lenin, New Times and Old Mistakes in a New Guise, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.28
[3] Lenin, On Co-operation, Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 33, p.470.
[4] The « variation » is, that « the specific situation of the Chinese revolution » needs this, as leaders of the CCP after 1978 are saying and writing.
[5] « The development of socialism in China », Peter Fransen in Marxistische Studies/Etudes Marxistes nr 78, 2007. You can read this tekst (in Dutch here or in French here - or on I analysed the revisionism in this text (you can read it - in dutch - here)